Congratulations to our 8th Grade Boys on receiving 3rd place at the Stroud Tournament!
almost 4 years ago, Brenna Pierce
8th grade boys
8th grade boys
Congratulations to our 8th Grade Girls Consolation Champs!
almost 4 years ago, Brenna Pierce
8th Girls
February 3, 4, & 6 - 8th Grade Albert Bare Tournament- Girls Bracket
almost 4 years ago, Brenna Pierce
Bare Tournament-Girls
February 3, 4, & 6 - 8th Grade Albert Bare Tournament- Boys Bracket
almost 4 years ago, Brenna Pierce
Bare Tournament-Boys
January 25, 28, 30 Stroud Tournament- 7th Grade Boys Bracket
almost 4 years ago, Brenna Pierce
Stroud Tournament- 7th Boys
January 25, 28, 30 Stroud Tournament- 8th Grade Girls
almost 4 years ago, Brenna Pierce
Stroud Tournament 8th Girls
January 25, 28, 30 Stroud Tournament-7th Grade Girls Bracket
almost 4 years ago, Brenna Pierce
Stroud Tournament 7th Girls
January 25, 28, & 30 Stroud Tournament- 8th Grade Boys Bracket
almost 4 years ago, Brenna Pierce
Stroud Tournament 8th Boys
All traditional and distance learning students will receive a vision screening on Friday, January 29th. DISTANCE LEARNERS MAY COME IN FROM 9-9:30 A.M. TO RECEIVE YOUR SCREENING.
almost 4 years ago, Brenna Pierce
Vision Screening
SMS Parents- Report cards will be sent home today with your child. If your child is a distance learner, then their report card will be mailed to the address that we have on file.
almost 4 years ago, Brenna Pierce
Report Card
almost 4 years ago, Jessica Phillips
Chieftain Chapters Yearbook 2021
Attention Parents: Jr. High Basketball games have been canceled for this evening, Thursday, January 14, 2021.
almost 4 years ago, Brenna Pierce
For our students who were absent Wednesday, January 13th or Thursday, January 14th your ACT Aspire Tickets have been emailed to your school email account. The testing window will be open for you to take your Aspire test from home. Make sure you are logged in through the ACT Aspire app. If you have trouble logging in, check your password carefully, some letters and numbers are hard to tell the difference. You may email Mrs. Cummins or Mrs. Pierce for assistance.
almost 4 years ago, Ginger Cummins
SMS students will take the second ACT Aspire Tests beginning Wednesday, January 13th and Thursday, January 14th . We will begin second hour and be finished by our regular lunch times. We will test English and Math on Wednesday. We will test Reading and Science on Thursday. For our Distance Learners your test tickets will be emailed to you and the window will open at 8:00 on both days to begin testing.
almost 4 years ago, Ginger Cummins
SMS Traditional Students- Please remember to charge your device and leave your charger in your backpack when school returns to in-person learning on Monday.
about 4 years ago, Brenna Pierce
Just a reminder that all SMS students will begin distance learning for this week, January 5-8, 2021. Students, please check your emails daily for important messages from your teachers. In-person students will return to class on Monday, January 11, 2021.
about 4 years ago, Brenna Pierce
Updated Information-ATTN: Seminole Middle School Parents/Guardians- This is a reminder that semester tests are on Friday, December 18th. Students can access their semester tests through Google Classroom. Completion time for semester tests is by 11:59 pm. Merry Christmas to everyone and have a Happy New Year. :)
about 4 years ago, Brenna Pierce
Students- Please remember to fill out the daily attendance form each day.
about 4 years ago, Brenna Pierce
Tomorrow, December 17th, students will need to attend a Google Meet for each class period. Please check your email for additional information. If you need a copy of your class schedule, please contact the office during school hours.
about 4 years ago, Brenna Pierce
Bell Schedule
Monday, December 14th, basketball games have been changed. 5:00- 7th/8th grade girls will play at home vs. Wewoka 6:00- 7th grade boys will play at home vs. Wewoka
about 4 years ago, Brenna Pierce