Seminole Public Schools will be Covid testing from 2:00-4:00 p.m. on Sunday January 9th. No appointment necessary.
Testing will be performed at SPS Administration 600 W. Strother.
Please call 405.584.2342 for any questions or concerns.
Chieftain Clubhouse Enrollment:
Dear Families,
Seminole Public Schools has become aware of a troubling post that is being shared this week on the social media platform TikTok. The post refers to a threat to school safety “for every school in the USA, even elementary,” on Friday, December 17. The post appears to be part of a national TikTok trend. While we do not believe the threat to be credible, we are closely monitoring the situation and taking it seriously.
Additionally, the district has been in contact with the Seminole Police Department regarding the trending post. We may have an increased security presence in our buildings on Friday as an added precaution.
This situation serves as a good example of why it is important to avoid sharing posts online that refer to school safety threats. Even if they are not credible threats, they can cause a great deal of stress and anxiety for our students, families, and staff. We ask our families to monitor their children’s social media activity and speak with them about proper behavior online. Threats are not only punishable according to the student code of conduct but could also result in criminal charges.
If you or your child become aware of any potential threat posted to social media or anywhere else, please notify a school staff member or trusted adult right away.
As always, thank you for your partnership as we work to ensure a safe, secure, and positive learning environment for our students.
Bob Gragg, Superintendent
Seminole Public Schools
Minor Bus Accident – No Injuries
This morning after dropping off students at Wilson and Northwood, Seminole Public Schools, Red Bus was involved in a non-injury accident. The police arrived on site and released the bus back to the administration building. Parents are being notified.
Christmas Concert December 14th @ 6:00 p.m.
SPS will be offering free Covid-19 testing to children and adults November 15-19 and as needed during Thanksgiving Break.
Seminole Public Schools is hiring a full-time Spanish Translator/Interpreter/Tutor
Are you interested in an afterschool program for your child? Please help us by filling out this quick survey below! Thank you!!
Social Media Challenges 10.13.2021
JOM Meeting 10-05-2021 @ 6:30 p.m.
Title VI Indian Education Parent Advisory Committee Meeting 09.30.2021
If you are a parent/guardian of a JOM student, please select the link below to fill out the survey by October 1st.
This year's 2021 'Out of this World' Homecoming week is kicking off tomorrow, September 20th, at SHS and we are ready to celebrate!
Since as far back as 1928 our Chieftains have been celebrating the school, the alumni and the traditions during Homecoming week and we are honored to continue these traditions. There are many things planned this week for our students; float building for the homecoming parade on Friday, dressing up each day to show our school spirit, classroom door decorating contests, a traditional car smash, and finally, welcoming our community and alumni back to watch our '21 Homecoming Court be crowned before watching our Chieftains take on Stigler... it going to be a great week to say the least!
Attached are a few things that Student Council has diligently worked hard to plan and we are thrilled to invite our students, faculty, community and alumni to join in on the festivities! We are eager to see the Chieftain Spirit this upcoming week!
#homecomingweek #21SHSHOCO #OutofthisWorldHoCo
🍎📚✏️We are hiring✏️📚🍎
There is nothing more important to Seminole Public Schools than the health and safety of our students, our staff, and their families. Due to large and growing numbers of Covid related illnesses and symptoms in both staff and students, beginning Wednesday, September 1 through Friday September 10, 2021, Wilson Elementary and Northwood Elementary will move to distance learning. Seminole Early Learning Center, BLS, SMS, and SHS will continue learning in person. School work packets will be sent home with grades 1-5. Chromebooks will be sent home for the 6th grade. For students who are absent/quarantined today, August 31, arrangements for the pick-up of packets will be announced soon. School meals will be distributed per the chart below. If you or your child is ill, please know that we hope you concentrate on getting better, not on school work. Make-up work will be accepted late and much grace will be given. Students will return to in person learning on Monday, September 13, 2021.
A system assessment tool and COVID-19 related information is posted on our website (
Please call the school superintendent’s office for more information.
(405) 382-5085 ext 601
Meals for both sites are to be picked up at Northwood Elementary.
Friday, September 3, 2021 10 a.m.-12 p.m. 4 days’ worth of meals
Tuesday, September 7, 2021 10 a.m.-12 p.m. 4 days’ worth of meals
Seminole Public Schools phone lines are down. AT&T has an issue they are working to resolve. The emergency phone number for Seminole Public Schools is (405) 382-8281.
Afternoon Pick-Up Times
Enrollment for 2021-2022 School Year
We are looking for great substitute teachers!🍎📚✏️
📚🍎✏️We are hiring✏️🍎📚